We produce a complete technological project in the fish and meat industry.
In accordance with the task, technological schemes of production of products from fish, fish fillet, canned fish and fish semi-finished products are developed.
Technological scheme of production developed according to the requirements of the European Parliament and the European Council (EK) No. 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs (EK) No. 853/2004, which defines the special requirements of hygiene in relation to food products of animal origin, SanPiN-96 and normative documents of GOST.
An example of a part of the technological project:
- The composition of the project documentation:
- Technical characteristics of production
- Calculation of raw materials
- Technological process, General description
- Technological process by types of products
- List of process equipment
- The technical characteristics and energy consumption
- The requirements specify that the partition of GP (General plan)
- Technological assignment of AR and SC sections (architecture and building structures)
- The requirements specify a partition of VK (water and sewer)
- The requirements specify that the partition S (heating and ventilation)
- The requirements specify a partition of TP (tech. steam)
- Technological homework section TV (eng. plumbing)
- Terms of reference section TG (tech. gas)
- The requirements specify that a section of TX (d. refrigeration equipment)
- Technological task of sections EL and CRT (El. toils)
- Process drawings:
- Location of process equipment
- Technological scheme of the section of the VC
- Technological scheme to sections AR and SK
- Technological scheme of the section S
- Technological scheme of the section, TP
- Flow chart to TV section
- Flow chart to th section
- Flow chart to TG section
- Flow diagram
- Technological scheme to the sections EL and CRT